Review: grease lightning by lush.
Review: grease lightning by lush.
This product was part of my bath routine, you can look at the blog here- Lightning is Lush's spot treatment. First off it does smell good it smells a lot like lush's angels on bare skin face cleaner and I think that's because some of the products are quite similar. I bought this about 2 months ago, and I've used it about 6 or 7 times, but if I'm honest I think this is the first ever lush product that I won't buy again. Every single lush product I buy fills a void in my routine which I never knew existed .But with this product I don't feel that. Grease lightning goes on as a clear gel and it feels very nice and cooling. it also has a anti-bacterial in it so you can put it on opened up spots. But this is where it begins to fall...
As it dries it turns into a hard cover covering your spots, this is alright on your head, but anywhere else if you need to talk your screwed as once it breaks you look like you have put PVA glue all over your face. With this lesson learned next time I put it on right before going to bed. Even then once I woke up and took it off with warm water I only noticed a slightly less red spot and I mean only slightly.

And so I guess you must put this on religiously every night for this product to work. I really hoped that this would be good as it has only natural products in it. But the effect was only slight. It annoys me as I really hoped this would work. But I don't think I would buy this again.
Caiykin x
PS- this blog was supposed to go up in a couple of weeks but one of the 3 zoella products I wanted still hasn't arrived. so fingers crossed I can do a first look on all 3 next week.
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